2017 Double Dipsea – Warmest in Three Years

This would be third year in a row, running Double Dipsea. Here are my 2015 and 2016 race reports and pictures. I absolutely love the vibe and camaraderie in this race, especially because of the out & back and the staggered starts. I think this is the first in 3 years we didn’t have any starters for the 85-and-above age group for both men and women! See my Strava activity.

Double Dipsea

With forecasted heat wave, The race start was moved to 7am and now that I’m one year wiser, I was in the 45-49 age group too. That meant 3-4 more minutes before Michael Stricklan would catch up with me. 🙂 I dirt-bagged next to the Stinson Beach firestation and headed over to the start line, groggy and not fully awake. I kept going back and forth on whether to carry a hand-held and I’m really glad that I decided to do so.

Double Dipsea start

When you start dousing your head with water at mile 2, you know it’s going to be warm. Quick stop at the top of Cardiac Hill (same split time as last year) and starting bombing down towards Muir Woods. Michael caught up with me and we ran together for a few minutes.

What an awesome setting for a Trampoline! Took this one to show my 14-yo. A quick bio-break and ice-water sponge treatment at the turn around point and off to climb the Dipsea stairs!

The climb back up to Cardiac was definitely warm. I was feeling pretty good though, trying to stay cool with frequent dousing of water on the head. The split time up Cardiac was about the same as last year. Roughly 40 minutes. I think I spent more time at the aid stations cooling off this year.

Two more stops, one at the top of Cardiac and one more at Insult Hill and tried to push, but it was getting pretty warm now. Pulled into the finish line in 2:57, a tad bit slower than last year. Definitely looking forward to signing up to this race again next year. Next up in 4 weeks (I better get my legs asphalt trained) is the San Francisco double marathon.

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3 thoughts on “2017 Double Dipsea – Warmest in Three Years

  1. I live here and run this all the time, so I signed up for the race, but I got halfway through (Mill Valley) and said eff this it’s too hot and there’s iced coffee two blocks away. I did it the weekend before when it was 20 degrees cooler and had a blast.