Ever since I started as CTO of a stealth startup this past February, I’ve been trying to balance the adrenaline of working at a startup and the endorphins of my long trail runs. From my home in Mountain View, to work in Menlo Park is 10-miles, one way. I tried biking once or twice a week, but it’s just not the same. Until this summer, that is! I mapped out a route for my commute run that keeps me on side streets, takes me through Stanford campus with an aid-station (aka, water fountain) smack in the middle! On my first commute run, I woke up at 6am and headed out with delusional dreams of Haile Gebrselassie running to school or Ann Trason pulling a 20-mile commute run per-day to her work and back. It was inspiring enough to push me on. Though, I bonked hard when I got to work (needed a second and third breakfast) and then I bonked again when I got back home. Check out my Strava activity for my commute run into work.
Commute Runs
Two weeks prior to my first run, I started setting up my personal laptop at home, to sync all my work with my work laptop (that stays at work). Using a host of cloud services, I got myself into the habit of checkpointing my work so I didn’t have to carry my laptop with me. Notes in iCloud, code in GitHub, docs in Google Drive, you get the idea. And yes, two factor authentication is a must.
I Amazon Prime’d myself some Visine Eye Drops, deodorant, a pack of Action Wipes (no showers until end of this month when we move to a new place) and Body Glide. I’ve noticed that I chaff a lot more on road runs than trails. Action Wipes are truly awesome and they work like a charm. Either that or my colleagues are too kind to speak up. I have noticed that I have less meetings on my commute run days. 🙂
Working in the Silicon Valley, I’m totally spoiled with showing up to work in my Luna Sandals. So I run with my Luna Sandals and they simply become my footwear for the day. This way, the only thing I have to carry on my SJ Ultra Vest are just change clothes – shorts, t-shirt and an underwear. Keeps things super simple. I do carry my regular glasses, just in case I have contacts-malfunction.
I bought myself a WorkEZ Standing Desk and I pretty much stand all day at work. In some ways, this was part of my training for the Lake Sonoma 50M that I did earlier this year. Hey, gotta make the best of what you got right? However on my running days, I make it a point to sit down a lot to save my legs for the return trip.
On the way into work, it’s nice and cool in the morning. So this has effectively become my tempo run. I’ve clocked a 6:53 mile/minute pace so far as there are some downhills on the way in. This is a big deal for me as just a year ago I was running at 8:30 mile/minute pace. On the way back though, I try at a consistent 8:00 minute/mile pace and jump on every dirt patch I see. Stanford Campus is full of tanbark on the side of the roads. This really minimizes the pounding on my legs and I just take it easy on the way back.
The thing I did notice was, my lunches on the running days are lighter and I tend to graze a lot more. With Trader Joe’s next door, I stock myself with dates, fruits and nuts and go light on the lunch. ‘Cos guess what? The big lunch shows up with a vengeance on the commute run back. On warm days (well, all summer long) I packed a Succeed S Caps in my SJ Ultra Vest and I would pop one at the aid station at mile ~5-ish to compensate for the heavier sweating. I found that I wasn’t bonking at all with this + the Clif Shot Gel at the half way point.
Here’s the real kicker. Commuting by driving my car takes me around 30 minutes, sometimes 45. Biking takes about 45 minutes. And running? 1 hour and 10 minutes on the way in and 1 hour and 20 minutes on the way out. A little bit more commute time, keep things green and getting my endorphins too. I can’t think of a better way to getting to work than a commute run!
Do you commute run to work? Do you have tips to share from your commute runs?
[sc:follow_me ]
Did you do anything special to go from 8:30 to 6:50, or just run a lot? IE: heart rate training, things like that
The effort is evident in the recent race results 🙂
RT @k0ws1k: What I learned from my 20-mile commute runs – http://t.co/qD9Z2tukxE
RT @k0ws1k: What I learned from my 20-mile commute runs – http://t.co/qD9Z2tukxE
RT @k0ws1k: What I learned from my 20-mile commute runs – http://t.co/5abq2if9Xq Want to make a living with running!
I commute run to work every Friday (and sometime Mondays), but only one way (public transport for the return journey). It’s 13 mile each way for me. I’ve yet to try the return trip, mostly due to time restrictions, not fitness.
I unfortunately have a requirement to wear corporate attire, so end up bring it to the office int he days prior rather than trying to run with it.
I’ve been doing this every week in 2014. Thanks for the inspiration, I think it’s time to try the return trip!
You are way more regular than I am! Now that the school’s started for the kids, it’s been a little tricky keeping this up, but am definitely hoping to continue the commute runs.
ICYMI: What I learned from my 20-mile commute runs this summer http://t.co/v0oBDaHhwi /cc @LUNAsandals
RT @k0ws1k What I learned from my 20-mile commute runs http://t.co/PmO05Mb1ro < Thx for share. So I’m not the only “crazy” one doing this 🙂
RT @davidbarclay99: RT @k0ws1k What I learned from my 20-mile commute runs http://t.co/PmO05Mb1ro < Thx for share. So I’m not the only “cra…
RT @k0ws1k: ICYMI: What I learned from my 20-mile commute runs this summer http://t.co/v0oBDaHhwi /cc @LUNAsandals
“: What I learned from my 20-mile commute runs – http://t.co/QpfKrR4OsN” – great write up!
Great piece there friend. I would just love to be able to write your opening sentence 😉
Great piece there friend. I would just love to be able to write your opening sentence 😉
Great piece there friend. I would just love to be able to write your opening sentence 😉
RT @k0ws1k: ICYMI: What I learned from my 20-mile commute runs this summer http://t.co/v0oBDaHhwi /cc @LUNAsandals
RT @k0ws1k: ICYMI: What I learned from my 20-mile commute runs this summer http://t.co/v0oBDaHhwi /cc @LUNAsandals
RT @jclowers: “@k0ws1k: What I learned from my 20-mile commute runs – http://t.co/qD9Z2tukxE” – great write up! <- thx
What I learned from my 20-mile commute runs via @k0ws1k http://t.co/5jg2mqQe2v
That is awesome
That is awesome
That is awesome
Very cool!
Very cool!
Very cool!
“@k0ws1k : “What I learned from my 20-mile commute runs – http://t.co/LnvHGcOemo” – excellent write up!
Makes a lot better sense than going for a half hour run in the morning then sitting in rush hour traffic for another half hour. Having a work place environment with laid back dress code helps. I guess too he must be able to shower and change at work. Must be nice. If you misjudge the weather and get caught in the rain on the run home then so much the better.
Makes a lot better sense than going for a half hour run in the morning then sitting in rush hour traffic for another half hour. Having a work place environment with laid back dress code helps. I guess too he must be able to shower and change at work. Must be nice. If you misjudge the weather and get caught in the rain on the run home then so much the better.
Makes a lot better sense than going for a half hour run in the morning then sitting in rush hour traffic for another half hour. Having a work place environment with laid back dress code helps. I guess too he must be able to shower and change at work. Must be nice. If you misjudge the weather and get caught in the rain on the run home then so much the better.
RT @k0ws1k: ICYMI: What I learned from my 20-mile commute runs this summer http://t.co/v0oBDaHhwi /cc @LUNAsandals
Kowsik is a “beast” in a good way! Mi amigo has dedication, and pours his heart into what he enjoys!
So happy for you Kowsik, that you’ve made some healthy changes in your life! 🙂
MT @arifj: Been using a Standing Desk for ~6 months now, Highly recommend. <- Now you need to start running to work http://t.co/YLRWe81t8L