Vegan Recipe: How to Make Potstickers (Chinese Dumplings)

Last time I tried this, I had no idea how to make potstickers. I used firm Tofu, didn’t realize I had to drain the water completely and it came out all mushy. Fast forward two years, I figured it was time to learn how to make potstickers. Only this time, had the inspiration of using Tempeh (‘cos we were out of Tofu!). It was Chinese New Year just a few weeks ago and seemed like a good excuse to make these.

How to Make Potstickers

I bought the potsticker wraps from the local Chinese store. There are lots of options, but this particular brand had no egg whites and was vegan. So you’ll have to look for it. Here’s how you make the filling for the potstickers.

Crumble the Tempeh in a medium bowl and microwave for a 1 minute to soften it. You can also steam the Tempeh if that works for you. Add in the chives, mushrooms, ginger and Tamari sauce mash part of the mixture with a potato masher. You should get a fairly pasty mixture, with some of the Tempeh adding an interesting texture to the stuffing. Salt and pepper to taste. Now, here comes the fun part where the whole family can pitch in.

  • Pot sticker wraps
    Pot sticker wraps

Take one potsticker wrap at a time and use a wet finger to coat the edge with water. Scoop out some of the filling and place it in the middle of the warp. Fold the wrap in half making thin frills on one side while sealing the wrap completely. My wife does a terrific job of this and the frills help the potstickers stay upright when cooking. Place the potstickers on a sheet coated with a little flour so they don’t stick.

In a well oiled pan, place the potstickers upright and spread out with enough space between them. Fill up the pan with water about half the height of the potstickers. Cover the walk and cook for about 10 minutes until the water is almost completely evaporated. Remove the lid, lower the heat and cook for a little longer until the bottom of the potstickers caramelize into a crispy layer. Remove them gently and serve with a mixture of vinegar and thinly sliced ginger. Just perfect! If you make a big enough batch (highly recommended!), you can freeze them and they make an excellent lunch.

Do you know how to make potstickers? What does your recipe look like?

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