I’ve never been a runner, though I played lots of sports when I was younger. Inspired by Born to Run and determined to break out of staring at computers all day, I started running after 40. The first 10 months were an incredible adventure with the San Francisco Half Marathon being the highlight. But the most important thing I learned is running alone doesn’t get you the strength you need, especially if you are just getting started. The challenge with running after 40 is finding time to incorporate strengthening exercises in our already hectic lives. I was looking for natural exercises that simply use your body and gravity. Remember Hilary Swank in Million Dollar Baby? The way she’s shuffling and shifting weights on her feet, practicing her boxing moves while she’s being a waiter at the diner? The following 10 exercises are like that. You can do these all day: when you brush teeth, at work, while you are waiting for the kid’s soccer game to finish, short breaks between time on the computer. And if you are doing these at home, they work best if you are barefooted.
100 Ups
Created by W.G.George in the 1800’s, this is a such a simple exercise that helps with balance, proprioception, calf strength and proper posture all in one go. My variation on this is to simply stand tall and lift up one knee to your waist while you raise your heel on the other leg. I do sets of 25 or 50 with multiple reps throughout the day.
Alphabet Tracing
This is a great warm up, but also a terrific way to activate all the little ligaments, muscles and tendons in your feet and ankle. Sit straight on a chair and lift one leg up. Use your big toe to trace the alphabet, from A-Z and then repeat with the other leg. The first time when you try this, you are going to feel sore by the time you cross your T’s, because you are waking up all those muscles and tendons that’ve atrophied.
Towel Crunch
Place a thin towel (about a foot long) on the hardwood or tile floor. Stand tall, place one foot over the towel and crunch up your toes to drag the towel close to you, while your heel is still firmly planted on the towel. Do this for 30 to 40 seconds on each foot, rest up a bit and do 3 sets each. Once you get the gist of this exercise, you can easily skip the towel and focus instead on the motion of your toes.
Heel Walking
I never heel strike when I’m running, but heel walking feels great on your calves and also helps tremendously with shin splints. Walk 10 to 20 steps just on your heels and you’ll feel it in your calves. This is also another great warm-up exercise before a run.
One-foot Balance
This exercise focuses on proprioception and balance and you’ll be surprised how tricky this one is the first time around. There are two variations that I use. In the first one, stand straight with your knees bent a little. Lift up your right knee until it’s waist-high and then hold for 30 seconds. Repeat with the other leg. In the second variation, after you lift your knee, bend forward to touch the ground and then back to the raised knee position again. Repeat 10 to 30 times and then switch to the other leg.
Heel Drops
When I started running, this one was a huge helper in getting my calves and ankles strong again. Find a step or a raised platform and stand on your toes with your heel hanging out from the edge. Raise both heels and then bring up your right knee waist-high. Now slowly drop your left heel as far as it can go. Bring your right knee back down and use both feet to rise back again. Repeat 10 times on each leg.
Heel Lifts
There are two variations for this exercise that I do throughout the day. First variation is stand tall with both feet firmly on the ground. Lift up your heels as far as they can go and then bring them back down. Repeat 10 to 20 times. For the second variation, stand arms-length distance from a wall for balance, lift up your heels as far as they can go, but hold in that position for 20 to 30 seconds. Once you are comfortable, then you can increase the duration. See my earlier post on Using ballet exercises when you start running for more tips on this exercise.
Deep Squats
Just like your regular squats, but stay on your toes as you lower your body all the way. Keeping the heels off the ground during the squats teaches your body about proprioception and balance and it’s great for your quads too.
Ankle Stretches
This exercise is great for strengthening your ankles and all of the muscles, ligaments and tendons around them. It’s best done with the Thera-Band while sitting on a chair. Loop the band around your right ankle, run the band under your left foot and hold it with your hands creating sufficient tension. Now shift your right foot further to the right, pulling the band in the process against the tension. Repeat 10 to 20 times and then switch to the other foot.
Exercise Wheel
Granted you can’t carry the exercise wheel everywhere, but this made it to my top-10 list just because of its versatility. Used by martial experts like Jackie Chan, the is a simple and effective device to strengthen your limbs, shoulders and core all in one go. Kneel down on the floor with both hands on the wheel in front of you. Roll the wheel forward while gripping both handles tightly. Keep your arms straight as the wheel moves away from you. Once you are fully extended, hold for a second and then return to the starting position. Repeat sets of 10 or 20.
Hey Kowsik: Good to know you are doing well with the running. I recently started having trouble with my knees.. (over use syndrome) apparently I have been over using certain muscles and not using the others.. so I have a bunch of exercises that I need to do. However, yours seem more doable than mine (which sem to require more equipment). Thanks for posting and Keep on running man.
Ramdev, I have a minor case of IT band syndrome myself after chop-stepping down a steep trail and going way too fast! 🙂 This apparently manifests itself as an outside knee pain. Didn’t feel like slowing down on the downhill run since it was so much fun. I’m working through some techniques to strengthen and heal this and will write about it soon.
Kowsik, nice ones, i have a variation you may wish to try which goes like this., stand in one place with a few small stones, pieces of gravel, paper balls, whatever strewn close to you. in addition, place a small can or container closeby. Now with one foot, pick up one of the stones and put in inside the can. Do the same with all, repeat with the other foot. Great for balance and strengthening the muscles of the foot.. variations could include using toe1/2 2/3 and so on..
Yup, this one’s similar to the towel crunch and focuses on all those tiny little metatarsals. When you first start running barefoot, stress fractures are pretty common on these bones if you run too far or too fast. Good one to incorporate though.